Aftercare For Toxins

Breathe , relax and rest: it's done!

Is there anything I should not do after my treatment?

Botulinum Toxin is a quick and safe procedure that has very little impact on usual activity on the day of injection. We deliver tiny injections to relax the action of the muscles that create excessive movement. These movements create ‘dynamic wrinkles’ over time. We recommend the following precautions to allow the anti-wrinkle injections to work optimally in the targeted muscles:

How soon after can I go back to my normal exercise regime?

Patients can resume normal daily activities immediately following treatment. Light exercise can be performed after 4 hours but it is recommended that strenuous activities are avoided for 24 hours.

After 4 hours you may perform light exercise such as:

It is recommended that you wait 24 hours before attempting any strenuous exercise, including:

What are any possible side effects?

In most cases, there will be no side effects to treatment of BOTOX®. However, because everybody’s physiology is different, people can be affected in different ways. A small minority of people reported the following side effects:

How soon can I drink alcohol after my muscle relaxant treatment?

Some practitioners advise limiting alcohol in the first 24 hours and for the day prior to treatment. This is because alcohol can thin the blood much like an aspirin, and abstaining can help prevent bruising.

What are the symptoms of a reaction to BOTOX®?

Generally, BOTOX® injections side effects are rare and recovery is swift. Your practitioner is available should you have any questions or concerns over minor side effects such as bruising and headache.

Am I allowed to touch my face after having anti-wrinkle injections?

Yes. Your face will not feel overly sore or tender. Treatment will not prevent you from washing or continuing with your normal skincare regimen. However, you are advised to avoid rubbing or massaging your face for up to 4 hours after your last treatment.

Am I allowed to touch my face after having anti-wrinkle injections?

Yes. Ideally, avoid make-up for an hour or so. However, mineral make-up can be applied immediately after BOTOX®. Again, it is recommended that you do not apply too much pressure during these activities in order to ensure that the injectable treatment does not disperse from the treated area.

Can I wear make-up after my treatment?

Yes. Ideally, avoid make-up for 4 hours or so. However, mineral make-up can be applied immediately after BOTOX®. Again, it is recommended that you do not apply too much pressure during these activities in order to ensure that the injectable treatment does not disperse from the treated area.

Can I sleep after BOTOX®?

Botulinum Toxin injections consist of a safe, naturally purified protein. A course of treatment has little impact on usual day-to-day activity and will not affect your sleeping patterns. To allow the BOTOX® injectables to settle, you should avoid putting pressure on the treated area or laying on your front for around four hours.